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PROFINET Community Stack

PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) launched the first PROFINET Community Stack of the world.
The stack contains full PROFINET Controller & Device functionality with well-defined APIs, which leverage easy adaptation to individual target hardware, operating systems and IP stacks.
The source and header files are derived from an original well proven and PI pre-certified stack which runs in millions of PROFINET products.

The joint development and maintenance of a standardized protocol stack core for all manufacturers is not only accelerating implementation of the technology and reducing the expenditure of individual manufacturers, but is also helping to improve the interoperability of devices from different manufacturers. Both sides benefit from faster integration of new developments in TSN and security functions.

All PI members can have access to this stack when signing the licensing agreement. With this community idea we expect to increase the PROFINET ecosystem by gaining more technology providers, development kits, Chip manufacturers and contributors for continuous innovation from e.g. digitalization use cases out of the PI community.


This registration form is for PI members only. Please login for access.
PROFINET Community Stack
PROFINET Community Stack
PROFINET Community Stack
PROFINET Community Stack
PROFINET Community Stack
PROFINET Community Stack
PROFINET Community Stack